Category: General/meta
Library Books!
Top to bottom: Wittgenstein Jr by Lars Iyer The Penderwicks by Jeanne Birdsall The Penderwicks on Gardam Street by Jeanne Birdsall The Penderwicks at Point Mouette by Jeanne Birdsall Satin Island by Tom McCarthy The Penderwicks in Spring by Jeanne Birdsall The First Bad Man by Miranda July We Are Pirates by Daniel Handler Nightwalking…
TBR Double Dog Dare: Success
It’s April 1, which means the TBR Double Dog Dare is over, which means I’m allowing myself to put holds on library books again! (I haven’t yet, but I suspect I will do so pretty soon.) Because I sort of padded my library hold list in late December (and also checked a whole bunch of…
2014, in Reading and Otherwise
So the big thing about 2014, which I don’t think I’ve mentioned here, is that my boyfriend and I bought an apartment. It was a fairly stressful endeavor, involving going to a whole bunch of open houses, making several offers that didn’t go anywhere, and then, just as we had decided that we were ready…
What I Read in 2013
I thought I’d write a wrap-up post before 2013 ended, but then I spent a chunk of the evening of December 31 curled up on the couch finishing reading Scarlett Thomas’s The End of Mr. Y, so I didn’t. (And then we went to see/hear the steam whistles at Pratt, and then we walked from…
What I Read in 2012
Happy 2013! I hope yours is off to a good start: mine definitely is. Today has included, among other things: very good coffee, ice skating on newly-sharpened skates at a not-too-crowded rink, and a handstand on the beach. My day has not yet included any curling up with a book, but that’s coming next: I…
Library Books, TBR Double Dog Dare, Book Buying
I recently signed up for the 2013 edition of the TBR Double Dog Dare over at Ready When You Are, C.B.: I did this last year, and really liked it. It’s a simple and brilliant idea: starting on January 1, 2013 and going to April Fool’s Day, I’ll be reading only books I already own…
Library books!
Well, there goes my idea of maybe keeping the TBR Double Dare challenge going through to May. I went to the library today, and the shelves of new books were so very tempting, and so very full of things I want to read. I walked out with this delightful stack: Schematics: A Love Story by…
TBR Double Dare, Poetry Month
Happy April! It’s the end of C.B. James’s TBR Double Dare, and I’m pleased to report that all the books I read between January 1st and today were books that I either a) already had on hold/checked out at the library as of midnight on New Year’s Eve or b) already owned and hadn’t read…
2011 Wrap-Up Post
Here it is, almost the end of the year. I may just read another book before the year’s out, but I doubt it, so here goes: I read 59 books this year—a number that includes a few picture books and also several kids’ books—which is less than I read last year, but I’m OK with…
2012: The TBR Double Dare
Two years ago I posted this list of 21 books I owned but hadn’t yet read and wanted to read. Since that post, I’ve read eight of those books: just over a third of them. Which makes me think that perhaps list-based reading doesn’t work so well for me. I’ve read a fair amount of…